Making the Most of the Learning Opportunity



There are things you can do to improve the value of an event.



Use the tip sheet to create a rich learning environment for yourself.


Learning Tip Sheet

Ø Before you leave home, mentally prepare to learn by clearing your mind. and desk. Do not plan to call the office at breaks or meals.

Ø Plan to do more listening than talking overall.

Ø Be on time.

Ø Sit near the front with an unobstructed view of the speaker.

Ø Listen attentively in the sessions.

Ø Ask questions and make comments appropriately

Ø Use your best learning style.

• Listen to learn.

• Highlight or underline.

• Write notes, using the style most effective for you.

Ø Write down the best idea for use in your work now.

Ø Write down an idea you would like to use in the future.

Ø Find someone in each session to talk with about the session.

Ø Arrange to stay in touch with the instructor. Get an email address.

Ø Have a meal with the instructor.

Ø Have a meal with other participants and arrange to stay in touch.

Ø At the end of the day, review the material and notes from the day’s sessions.



Learning skills

Research indicates optimal learning skills fall into four component skill categories.

1.  Asking the right questions and knowing when you have asked enough.

2.  Identifying the essential components within complex ideas and tasks.

3.  Finding informal ways to measure your understanding of material.

4.  Applying these skills toward the goals of specific job tasks.